Chamber encourages support for Council, School Board candidates

In addition to the important issues to be decided on the April 2 ballot, numerous individual candidates also are seeking election or re-election to Springfield City Council or to the Springfield Public Schools Board of Education.
Springfield City Council
The Springfield Good Government Committee, a partnership between the Chamber and the Home Builders Association of Greater Springfield, encourages Chamber members to support the following candidates for Springfield City Council based on their experience, expertise and commitment to Springfield. (All of these candidates also have been endorsed by the Southern Missouri Firefighters Association and the Springfield Police Officers Association.)
- Mayor – Ken McClure, incumbent (uncontested race)
- General Seat C – Andrew Lear, incumbent
- Zone 2 – Abram “Abe” McGull (uncontested race)
- General Seat D – Richard Ollis, incumbent (uncontested race)
- Zone 4 – Matt Simpson, incumbent (uncontested race)
Springfield Public Schools Board of Education
In April, voters will be given the option to consider three talented and qualified individuals for the SPS Board of Education.
The Chamber’s School Board Endorsement Task Force received written surveys and held in-person interviews with all candidates to inform their decisions and recommendations to the Chamber board. Based on the task force’s recommendation – along with their stellar record of past service and professional expertise – the Chamber board has endorsed two candidates for the two contested seats:
Dr. Alina Lehnert – incumbent
- Dr. Charles Taylor – incumbent
We encourage Chamber members to head to the polls on April 2 and support all of these exceptional candidates. You can also visit our Election Center to learn more about the Chamber stance on the candidates and the issues.
Paid for by Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce
Matt Morrow, President - PO Box 1687, Springfield, MO 65801