New microbrewery breaks ground in the Springfield Region

The Springfield region continues to focus on creating unique places and experiences for residents, evidenced by the newest brewery to the burgeoning craft beer scene in the Ozarks. Wire Road Brewing Company is officially launching and will break ground very soon on plans to build a new 3,500 square foot microbrewery in the city of Battlefield.
Wire Road Brewing Company chose Battlefield due to their recent population and economic growth and the opportunity to locate in a part of the area with no local craft brewery. Wire Road will feature a modern design, capturing the history and feel of the area. The building and beer garden will include both collaborative and recreational space, offering a “meeting place” for social gatherings and capitalizing on the outdoors.
“This is an exciting day for our team, as we begin the process of bringing such a unique experience for all Springfieldians to the Battlefield area. We are excited to move forward with a project that will enhance the craft brewery culture of Springfield and capitalize on the culture and outdoors of the Ozarks,” says co-owner and partner, Jeff Birchler.
The Wire Road team selected Battlefield to establish the first brewery outside of Center City and west of National. “Battlefield checked all the boxes and made perfect sense for a place like Wire Road,” says co-owner and partner Deanna Walker. “A supportive city administration, successful existing businesses, and potential for growth made our choice to bring a brewery to the area an easy one. We look forward to serving this community and the surrounding area for a long time.”
This new project already has deep roots in the Springfield region. Wire Road will utilize locally manufactured Paul Mueller Company brewhouse equipment. The design concept and architecture were created by Esterly, Schneider & Associates and will be constructed by Nesbitt Construction Company. Morgan Wilson was responsible for branding and marketing. Throughout the process, Chamber economic development staff worked with company officials to assess potential site availability, assist during the zoning phase, and helped overcome obstacles in the startup process. The company plans to hire 10 staff and anticipates being open in fall of 2021.