Making the business community’s voice heard in the Capitol

The 2022 state legislative session saw significant successes for the business community and its priorities – and those wins do not happen by accident.
Chamber volunteer leaders and staff were in constant contact with legislators and lawmakers throughout the session to advocate for the Chamber’s 2022 state legislative priorities. Individuals made numerous trips to Jefferson City to speak with elected officials, and the Chamber led several advocacy days to connect with lawmakers.
- On January 21, members of the Chamber’s Board of Directors met with regional legislators to highlight business community priorities during the annual Chamber Board Legislative Luncheon. Chamber board members and volunteer leaders advocated for several business issues, including workforce barriers and potential solutions, support for education, the Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant, entrepreneurial support, tort form, improvements to the initiation petition process and more.
- The Springfield Metro Partnership held its annual advocacy day and Salute to Missouri Legislators on January 26. SMP leaders presented a unified message to legislators, statewide elected officials, and department heads to discuss key issues like workforce economic development investment, reauthorization and improvements to the Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant, the strategic use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding, support for education, and more.
- On March 3, leaders from the Board of Directors took the Chamber’s message to the Capitol. They discussed the importance of creating a strong business climate in the state with lawmakers, including Governor Parson, other statewide officials and local House and Senate leaders.
- Transportation stakeholders discussed the importance of continued, stable infrastructure investment during their Transportation Advocacy Day on March 30. Public and private sector partners conveyed the importance of continued transportation funding, and shared insights into the connection between economic and workforce development and infrastructure support.
On April 5, the Network for Springfield’s Young Professional advocated for business priorities during their annual Day at the Capitol. Springfield YPs highlighted the importance of workforce investment and addressing workforce barriers, support for higher education, transportation infrastructure, and more.
Check out photos from some of these advocacy efforts below!