Thanking our members and volunteer leaders

At the Chamber’s recent Member Appreciation Celebration, we were able to thank our members for their continued support of the Chamber along with providing a mid-year strategic progress accountability report. We heard from a panel of volunteer leaders about why they are willing to invest their time, talent and resources in the organization. The panel discussion was moderated by the Chamber’s board of directors Chair-Elect, Brian Hammons of Hammons Black Walnuts. The panel included Ryan Allison of Ollis/Akers/Arney Insurance & Business Advisors, Teresa Coyan of CoxHealth, Chris Jarratt of Revel Advertising, and Angie Way of BRP Architects.
The panel discussion started with Teresa Coyan, highlighting the importance of investing and connecting with your community. Coyan highlighted how she invested her time and energy into The Network for Young Professionals and then continued to invest through the Chamber.
“We are trying to get people to choose Southwest Missouri. And so, if we can be part of that by being connected to the Chamber and come alongside their efforts as well, I think we are all better. So just being part of that bigger strategy to make us the best we can be is why I like to be involved with the Chamber,” said Coyan.
Chris Jarratt echoed Coyan by highlighting how important it is to help shape the future of the Springfield region.
“I feel like our community has an appetite to talk about what the future of Springfield looks like, and those conversations are happening around the Chamber members,” said Jarratt. “Being connected and having that network and the ability to have those conversations organically is really important to me and my business to be a part of that. Having the ability to have a voice in what the future of Springfield looks like feels really good as a small business.”
Ryan Allison specifically encouraged young professionals to get involved at the highest level, and one of the ways to do so is through The Network. By joining the Leadership Council for The Network, Ryan felt that it was one of the best professional development opportunities he’s ever done.
Ryan said, “We have a saying in The Network that you get out of The Network what you put into The Network. What that equates to is that you will get out of whatever volunteer opportunity that you are taking on what you put into it.”
Angie Way discussed how serving on the small business council has impacted her and the importance of small businesses being involved with The Chamber.
“It’s true that not all of us have the same concerns or challenges, but what is great is that we have a network of other small business leaders that are the experts,” said Way. “The biggest influence that I have had from chairing the Small Business Council is how humbled I have been to serve and to be a voice, even if it is a small one, for other small businesses. I think that there are so many wonderful business leaders in our community, and we are just so lucky to be in Springfield.”