Small Business Spotlight – November 2018: ADsmith Marketing & Advertising
Company name: ADsmith Marketing & Advertising
Person in charge: Ken Taylor, President
Year founded: 2000
Describe what your organization provides for its customers:
ADsmith Marketing and Advertising is a team of marketing professionals from all marketing disciplines who combine our efforts to find each client’s “why” and then turn that why into accountable, actionable creative solutions that will achieve specific goals.
Give us a brief history of your business and what makes it unique:
Angela Smith opened ADsmith on November 1st of 2000 and has been adding team members who do bring specific strengths to the team ever since then. So over that history, we have adapted and adjusted as marketing has changed and have always tried to use research as a foundation for everything we do whether it’s designing a logo or creating a video or just giving clients an idea on how to keep their space updated for today’s consumer.
What’s the most exciting recent highlight for your business?
Absolutely the most exciting recent highlight we have had is the addition of Ken Taylor to ADsmith’s team. In fact, Ken is now the president of ADsmith. I have been looking for someone to take the day-to-day responsibilities off of my shoulders, and I found the perfect person in Ken. He’s very strategic. He has years of experience and he’s going to bring that top-level strategy that generally is reserved for national clients to the local and regional clients we handle here at ADsmith.
Where do you hope to see your business in 12 months?
In the next 12 months, I really want to see ADsmith dig deeper into the “why.” That’s something that we try to do and have always tried to do, but now with Ken working with the team, I think we are going to be asking bigger questions, deeper questions and getting a lot more creative in the solutions that we come up with - which is really what our clients need to stay competitive in the environment we live in.
What advice would you offer to someone starting their own small business?
If anyone is interested in starting a business, they really need to do their homework. They need to not just have a craft that they enjoy doing, but they really need to know the business side of how to operate a business. And make sure they get sound advice and look for professionals in a lot of different areas who can really help them. I am very grateful that I’ve had mentors along the way or I wouldn’t have been here 18 years. And I still look for those mentors today.