Annual Events & Awards
The Chamber offers a variety of signature events for members to network and stay connected. At many of these events, we offer award programs designed to recognize members for their outstanding achievements.
Annual Meeting
Every year on the last Friday of January, Chamber members gather to celebrate the past year’s accomplishments and honor our volunteer leaders. The highlight of the evening is the announcement of the Springfieldian award, the Chamber’s most acclaimed honor.

ATHENA Award Luncheon
The ATHENA Award is presented annually by the Chamber. The award honors a person "who has achieved the highest level of professional excellence, devoted time and energy to the community, and, especially, opened the doors of leadership opportunity to women."
Community Leadership Visit
For 25 years, a delegation of Springfield community leaders has traveled to a peer city to learn from the experiences of that community and bring back ideas that will benefit the Springfield region.

Outlook Series
Throughout the year, the Chamber examines the impact of various industries on Springfield’s regional economy. Health care and manufacturing are each covered via an in-depth panel discussion and luncheon, as well as a look at the overall economy.
Small Business Award
Each year, the Chamber celebrates Springfield small businesses and highlights our area's entrepreneurial spirit. Recipients of the W. Curtis Strube Small Business Award are selected based on staying power, response to adversity, innovation, business philosophy and contributions to the community.

State of the State
Each year a high-level state official visits Springfield to offer a look at recent legislative progress and take a look at opportunities and challenges facing the state of Missouri in the future.

Summer Soirée
The Summer Soirée is an event designed to celebrate Chamber members and our region's vibrant business community. This fun, outdoor event features live music, local food and breweries as a way to say thank our members for their support.